INT - GAURAV'S CAR - NIGHTThe rickety old Corolla is trudging along on Ventura Blvd. M changes the saddest song of the only audio CD the Corolla boasts of.
What the Fuck, Dude.
I am sick of this song.
Gaurav changes the track back to the suicide inducing voice of a heart-broken, melodramatic queen.
(Inciting M)
I looove this song.
I intend to do PHD on it.
M this times switches a lot of tracks forward to get to a random song.
If I hear any more of it,
I will vomit on empty stomach.
The bass of the new track kicks in.
Not that this is any better...
Fuckin copied from a Persian song.
That's it! You said it!
I am sending this along with
the Persian song to Bob McQuaid.
No, you are not!
Gaurav is visibly excited now. One would presume, as a fellow classmate, he likes to see his mate getting screwed by the Prof.
Yes, I am sending it to him!
M shakes his head not believing how childish a 21-year-old can be.
...And telling him that Persians
copied their song from us!
The old Toyota shakes with roars of laughter.