Till recently I was working with a travel channel called 'Voyages' in Mumbai. It was a good gig while it lasted. I got to travel to a lot of Indian and Thai destinations. I was the Thailand expert! More on that later. However I didn't have a digital camera then and I was too involved in work and having fun that I didn't care about taking pictures then. A mistake I realised few months ago. I am still chasing some of my friends for some of the photos we took together from their cameras. (In case you are reading this, mail me the pictures you bastard/bitch!)
In the recent past after me leaving work and heading home I have been travelling a bit again. I kind of like it now. Otherwise the life is too monotonous. Here are some random pics I took in the last two months.
My beautiful looking graciously ageing mother. She is not very comfortable with posing for pictures. I had to coax her to stand in front of the FRI building in Dehra.
The magnificent looking Forest Research Institute in Dehradun. It is also ageing somewhat like my mother. I stayed inside the institute very close to the building so got to photograph it a couple of times.
The Monastry at Mussoorie. My sister above is amused by being at the monastry. Why shouldn't she. After all she is studying to be a lawyer! And her friend in the background too is pursuing law. Both the girls in the trip tried to unsuccessfully terrorize the rest of us and were a pain in the ass with their arguements. There really is a very thin line between terrorists and lawyers.